contoh homophone bahasa inggris

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Homophones in English: Examples and Explanations

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. They can be a source of confusion for many people, especially those learning English as a second language. In this article, we will explore some common examples of homophones in English and provide explanations to help you understand the differences between them.

1. To/Two/Too

– To: used as a preposition before a verb or noun.
Example: I am going to the store.
– Two: the number 2.
Example: There are two apples on the table.
– Too: means also or excessively.
Example: She ate too much cake.

2. Their/There/They’re

– Their: shows possession by more than one person.
Example: The children played with their toys.
– There: refers to a place or location.
Example: The book is over there on the shelf.
– They’re: contraction of “they are”.
Example: They’re going to the park.

3. Your/You’re

– Your: shows possession by you.
Example: Is this your car?
– You’re : contraction of “you are”.
Example : You’re my best friend.

4. Hear/Here

– Hear : perceive sounds through ears
Example : Can you hear me ?
– Here : indicate place
Example I am here now

5 . Pair/Pear

– Pair : two similar things connected together
Example A pair of shoes
– Pear : fruit
Example This pear is delicious

By understanding these examples of homophones, you can improve your vocabulary and avoid common mistakes in writing and speaking English. Practice using these words in sentences to reinforce your knowledge and enhance your communication skills.

In conclusion, homophones can be tricky but with practice and attention to detail, you can master them easily. Keep learning new words and expanding your vocabulary to become fluent in English language!


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