kosakata bahasa inggris di taman

A woman holds an open book, reading in front of a brick wall.

Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Taman

Taman merupakan tempat yang sangat menyenangkan untuk dikunjungi, baik untuk bersantai maupun berolahraga. Di dalam taman, kita bisa menemukan berbagai hal menarik seperti bunga-bunga indah, pepohonan hijau, dan hewan-hewan lucu. Untuk memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris kita, mari kita pelajari beberapa kata dan frasa yang sering digunakan di taman.

  • Flower (Bunga)
  • Flowers are the most beautiful part of a garden. There are many types of flowers that you can find in a garden, such as roses, sunflowers, and tulips.

  • Trees (Pohon)
  • Trees provide shade and fresh air in the garden. Some common trees found in parks are oak trees, pine trees, and maple trees.

  • Grass (Rumput)
  • The grass is green and soft to touch. Children love to play on the grass in the park.

  • Bench (Bangku Taman)
  • Benches are placed around the park for people to sit and relax while enjoying nature.

  • Pond (Kolam)
  • Some parks have ponds with fish swimming in them. It is relaxing to watch the fish swim around in the pond.

  • Birds (Burung)
  • Birds chirping can be heard all around the park. Some common birds found in parks are sparrows, robins, and blue jays.

  • Insects (Serangga)
  • Insects like butterflies and bees can be seen flying around flowers in the garden.

  • Playground Equipment – The playground is filled with equipment such as swings (ayunan), slides (tobogan), jungle gym, sandbox, merry-go-round, and seesaw.

    In addition to these words related to nature elements found within a park setting:

    Garden Tools: rake (sekop), shovel (penggali tanah), watering can, shears, pruner.

    Park Amenities: picnic table, trash bin, water fountain.

    – And finally,Picnic Supplies: basket, blanket,sandwiches,fries,soda,< strong>wine,< strong>fresh fruit.

    These English words will enhance your vocabulary when talking about or visiting a park or garden!

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